Sunday, April 17, 2011

USuncut DC Action on April 15th

On Friday, April 15th, USuncut DC decided to take action against the Verizon Corporation by hosting a book signing in the Verison Store at Union Station. Nicholas Shaxson, the author of Treasure Islands, came out with upwards of 20 supporters to show Verizon that they are not happy with Corporate Tax Dodgers. A few of the fans dressed up as pirates to keep with th "Treasure Island" theme and altogether, the USuncut representatives said that this may have been their best event yet!! Nicholas Shaxson signed several copies of Treasure Islands and handed them out to the crowd free of charge, asking only for a few donations.

An article by Chuck Collins goes into further detail about Verizon and many other major corporations are dodging taxes.

A few of our organization's members decided to show up in support of this action, but solely representing their personal opinions.

1 comment:

  1. Nice! Here's some video from the action:
